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Welcome to all things Druid!

      When I first embarked on the journey to tell Maeve's story, little did I know it would take on a life of its own. But it has. Not only has it grown from one book to three, it has become its very own world. (Well, within my mind anyway.)


The Story

Maeve is a simple farm girl who daydreams when she should be doing chores. She gets lost in her own wild imaginings so often that people think there's something wrong with the girl who sells eggs in the village. Maeve meets a Druid seer who tells her she has the gift of sight and offers to help her develop her gift. But Maeve has a hard time believing there is anything special about her--until a dragon foretells of danger to the kingdom that only she can overcome. With war on the horizon, Maeve must dig deep within herself to dis­cover who she really is and what she must do.


      The three books of the trilogy follow Maeve as she gradually discovers who she is and what that means. (For Ages 9 and up.)

Watch the trailer.

The Characters

       The main character of The Seer Trilogy is Maeve. Other important characters are Bradan, Declan, Riasc Tiarna, Ciara, Queen Ailsa, Bran, and King Owen. They all have a major impact on the plot. Finally there are numerous tertiary characters and those who briefly wander in and out of the books but still play vital roles.


      Because I am an artist as well as a writer, I can't resist trying to draw the characters the way I imagine them. Hence the poster above and the Trilogy cards below.


The Books

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Available at your local bookstore as well as

Crwth Press, Amazon, Chapters/Indigo, Barnes & Noble and other online booksellers.

Reader Reviews

If readers realized how important their feedback is to authors, I'm certain they would write more reviews. We authors spend so much time locked away with our own thoughts that we often lose our perspective. We think we've written something good and then ten minutes later we're not so sure. Ten minutes after that, we're convinced the entire story is rubbish.


So help me out. Let me know what you think of The Druid and the Dragon and The Bridge of Whispers so that I can make The Sorcerer's Revenge even better. I'll print your review right on this page! It doesn't need to be more than a sentence or two to be helpful. I look forward to seeing what you have to say. 


Send your review HERE. Thanks.


What Readers Are Saying  About ...


(The Druid & the Dragon)


-- "While I  normally don't enjoy fantasy I can honestly say that I really enjoyed Druid and the Dragon!  I enjoyed getting to know the characters and was drawn into the action early on. So, now I'll be eagerly awaiting the next book." (Dayle Gaetz)


-- "Just finished the Druid and the Dragon. Can't wait for the next instalment!" (Bev Greig)


-- "The historical setting is wonderfully detailed and the interactions of the characters believable...I thoroughly enjoyed Kristin’s writing style. Highly recommended, and I can’t wait for book 2 in this trilogy!" (Karen Autio)


-- "The Druid and the Dragon was fantastic!!!!! For me it was a mashup of Celtic/Norse mythology wrapped in a magical adventure! I was totally absorbed from the beginning to the very last page!!!" (Karen Upper)


-- "I loved this. The main character, Maeve, is a feisty teenager who does not fall into the usual damsel in distress trope. She's a flawed heroine—who disappoints her family because she often disengages from the real world. This flaw becomes her strength." (Gabriele Goldstone)


-- "I have always been drawn to fantasy but believable and relatable characters are a must. Kristin Butcher’s Maeve in The Druid and the Dragon does not disappoint." (Lorraine Kemp)


-- "Kristin Butcher has created a world grounded in Irish Celtic traditions, one that readers will find familiar and fantastical all at once. The first in a planned trilogy, The Druid and the Dragon provides an interesting set-up to Maeve's story and works as a self-contained story while leaving some unresolved plot threads that will bring readers back to the volumes to come." (Deanna Feuer -- CM Magazine)


-- "I couldn’t stop reading and when the book ended, I wanted more. I can’t wait for the next book in this trilogy. I believe young readers will easily identify with Maeve. Her resilience and determination wins in the end." (Martha Attema)


-- "Kristin Butcher’s writing is well-crafted and The Druid and the Dragon is compelling. The story is imaginative without giving way to high fantasy. The Druid and the Dragon is a perfect read for middle graders who like ancient history twinged with a bit of the supernatural." (Patricia Cleary)


(The Bridge of Whispers)


-- "Another great read Kristin! I loved how you developed Maeve's character and dug into her past in this book. Another great page turner I'm sure middle grade students will thoroughly enjoy."

(Sandra O'Brien)


--  "Kristin Butcher has created a sequel that is both satisfying and exciting to read, a difficult feat that she has executed beautifully. Readers will love this installment in the trilogy and anxiously await the next one."  (Deanna Feuer/CM Magazine)


-- "A charming read, leaving me looking forward to the next one." (Gabriele Goldstone)


-- "The Bridge of Whispers is a character journey with surprising twists that lead to a life-or-death confrontation—highly recommended! I can’t wait to read Book III!" (Karen Autio)


-- "Kristin’s gift of story telling pulls readers in, and with her plot twists and engaging characters, she holds a reader till the satisfying ending." (Loraine Kemp)


-- "Looking forward to the final instalment." (Bev Greig)


-- "I enjoyed reading The Bridge of Whispers. Maeve is still living here with me, or I’m living there with her.  Either way she became very real. I shall await the final book with bated breath.” (Dayle Gaetz)


(The Sorcerer's Revenge)


-- "As the last installment in The Seer trilogy, The Sorcerer’s Revenge doesn’t disappoint. It’s an exciting and entertaining finale that you won’t want to end. Highly recommended."  (J.P. McLean)


-- "I truly loved the Sorcerer's Revenge. Spent more time with the red dragon. The meeting of Maeve's father and all of the subsequent events. Kept me riveted and I was sad to say so long when the story was done."  (JoAnne Richards)


-- "I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the Seer Trilogy. Each book built on the previous one, adding more detail to the mystery of Maeve. Kristin created an interesting family of characters, each with their own personalities and role to play moving the stories to a fitting conclusion."  (Bev)


-- "Maeve's magic grows under the tutelage of the acerbic red dragon, Riasc Tiarna. This then reinforces her quest to seek the truth and aid those in need come to a head in a climactic conclusion that will leave the reader in awe and tears ...The Sorcerer's Revenge is a tale that will resonate with all readers who enjoy the history of Celtic myth and magic wrapped in the long forgotten mists of druids, dragons and destiny! Highly Recommended FIVE STARS" (Karen Upper)

-- "This is the final book in the trilogy following Maeve's adventures as she morphs from ordinary girl to extra-ordinary seer. It's a satisfying conclusion ... although it does make me want to start reading the trilogy all over again." (Gabriele Goldstone) 


P.S. -- You can leave reviews of your favourite books on Goodreads and most online booksellers' websites too.


What It's Like To Be A Beta Reader
When authors finish writing a book -- before they send it off to a publisher -- they often get everyday people to read it first. The reaction of people who buy books is key in knowing whether the novel is on the right track. And if you're writing a book aimed at readers from 9 - 13, it's a good idea for that audience to be among your trial readers. Watch the video below to find out what one young reader thought about the beta reader experience.  

Writing Tips

I can't remember when I didn't make up stories. But it wasn't until 1997 that my first book was published. I have published 30 more books since then, and along the way I've learned a lot.


From time to time I shall post short videos featuring helpful writing tips. So check this space often.


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